

Tue, 17 Dec 2024 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Tue, 17 Dec 2024 21:00:00 GMT+08
Echo Space 俱乐部


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    How to find a balance between what you like and job market trends

    Which factors to consider before making a decision

    Which challenges to expect

    1. What Do You Value Most in Education?

    Consider: What aspects of education resonate with you—academic rigor, cultural experiences, or career opportunities?•Explore Together: How do these values influence your choice of study destination and program?

    2. How Does the Global Landscape Shape Your Choices?

    Reflect: In what ways do global trends in education and employment impact your aspirations to study abroad?

    Discuss: Which countries or institutions stand out to you, and why do you think they align with your goals?

    3. What Challenges and Opportunities Do You Anticipate?

    Enquire: What potential obstacles do you foresee in your educational journey abroad, and how might you overcome them?

    Collaborate: How can we support each other in navigating these challenges and seizing opportunities?

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    Echo Space 俱乐部

    Echo Space 俱乐部

    在上海这座城市的钢筋丛林中,隐藏着⼀个通往未知社交宇宙的神秘⼊⼝,那便是 Echo Space 俱乐部。 这⾥是⽣活⽅式的创意实验室。我们如同好奇的星际探险家,不断尝试、⼤胆创新,把每⼀次社交互 动都化作⼀场奇妙的实验。⽆论是⼀场以世界美⻝为媒介的⽂化融合活动,还是借助AI搭建的交流 会,亦或是在古⽼艺术形式的创意社交派对,展⽰家乡的传统⽂化,古⽼的中医⽂化或者精彩的功夫 技艺,可能都会传播给整个 “宇宙”(俱乐部成员)。 我们不是传统意义上循规蹈矩的俱乐部,⽽是⽣活⽅式的⼤胆⾰新者。在这⾥,你可以摆脱束缚,像 超级英雄发现⾃⼰的超能⼒⼀般,挖掘出⾃⼰在社交与⽣活创造中的⽆限潜能。你将与志同道合的伙 伴们携⼿,共同绘制⼀幅关于未来⽣活与国际社交的绚丽蓝图,每⼀笔都充满惊喜与未知,每⼀次尝 试都是对传统社交和⽣活模式的勇敢挑战。 Echo Space 的主持⼈,他们来⾃20多个不同的国家,有着不同的背景和专业领域,但都怀着对知识分 享和交流的热爱,汇聚于此。⽆论是学术研究的前沿成果,商业实践的宝贵经验,⽂化艺术的独特魅 ⼒,还是个⼈成⻓的励志故事,都能在这⾥找到。

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